

yesh. exam time table alredy out!! so prepare for the big day! honestly i don't really know what we were learning from therse past 8 weeks. okay..starting from next week:


Arabic (already know the questions) yihaa!!


Luckily, we dont have any examps on this day! yay!


1st period- Religion (open book) yaikz! :)
last period-IT (i have no idea what to study)


English X(



Last week of school!!


Science (got a lot to study)


Sose (oh..No i'm not prepared yet!!)


Maths (oh..well!!)


the last day of school...cuz friday is public holiday (good friday) we are so going to have party!! (i wish) and watching something!!


i'm not gonna study on the days we don't have exams!! no way man, im gonna stay in front of the computer!! oh, great i havent done my computer project yet!! huhuhuhu TT


went to see the doctor today! so i got to miss school!! ala and siti were lyke "..u're so lucky!!.."
i knoe,hey? huheue..and im gonna miss school on thursday too!! yay!! for another session with the nurse this time!


i better do my assignments now!



yep. i changed the layout again! i don't like the previous layout, the colour is too dark!! and i used to much brushes! well, i might see a doctor cuz of my ear! well, i got to miss the school!! yay!

i think i need to download my msn again! oh no.. i don't know somehow i couldnt find it anymore. i pressed the wrong thing!! i hate downloading stuff...cuz it takes so long!! yea, i knoe it cuz of stupid dial up!! huehue, when am i gonna get bb??

oh well, al least i got to use internet!!

hmm, i havent start my assignments yet and both of them are due in thursday!!

yippiee!! i just found a PERFECT site that answers my assignment question!! yihhaa..!! Does anybody have some related site about pesticides??

i hate essays!! i don't know what to write and my english is so bad!! i got report to do!! i don't like english!!


anyhoo yihaa, anyhow i got a cow..lol

Hey ladies drop it down
Just want to see you touch the ground
Don't be shy girl go Bananza
Shake ya body like a belly dancer

gara2 nida sama ala nyanyi lagu banaza trus jadi kejadian deh saia, lgsg sakaw..* gila lo fid bhsnya* di kelas lagi musim dengerin lagu wkt blajar maths, memang ngebosenin bgt tuu guru, ngomongnya kebanyakan..gak capek apa ya??

wkt ngerjain test saia lg dengerin tu lagu..eh tiba2 keluar deh suara dari mulut ku yg besar ini... trus guru saia bilang.."did you just wake up?" oh..man, memalukan sekali!!


berenang kemaren cuman 5 org. masak tu trainer nyruh kita blajar diving?? hello, berenang aja lom bener dah nyuruh diving!! ck..ck..ck.. di suruh yg ke tempat 2.25m mampus..saia tak berani..alhasil saia n qatan stayed back huhuu..pa lagi airnya freezing bgt!! dah tau temperature nya lagi down...bukannya di isi air anget malah aer dingin..

setiap berenang pasti airnya masuk kuping!! kyknya skrg saia ada infeksi kuping deh,, soalnya ko' sakit bener yah?? *smoga bukan* saia takut ke dokter..apalagi dentist..no way!!

it's your fault

sitii..gebleekk..saia jadi suka mungkin nanti-nya peter pan..huhu....


ada yg punya lagu2 indo ga?? saia males donlod kelamaan, gr2 pake dial up!! ohh...terserah lagunya sapa aja....saia mau..

saia benci chris brown, bukannya benci sihh..cuman disgusted aja!! kecil2 dah iiihh..naudzubillah deh..udah liat video clip nya?? menurut saia sihh video nya rude smua, apalagi yang "yo" itu.... huek..mau muntah ngeliat dia..


tadi nida dateng ke rumah, ngerjain tugas. trus kita buat blogskin..gila man, adu mulut terus kita....cek cok mulu...sorry sist i got carried away!!


yeah, i have to enjoy every seconds in this land...gonna miss it so much..




look, it's just not fair we're the only one that do all the works!! what are you doing?? watching?? we are the one that get all the blame?? are you happy now??

if you don't want to socialised, that's fine with us! but teachers don't have to involve in this! i'm sick of the long lectures, i'm sick of the teachers telling us what to do! it's not our problem!! that's YOURS!! we're not babies anymore! we're trying to get you involve since this past 2 years. But what we get?? NOTHING!!


why can't they just stay away from it!! let us solve the problem! we don't need adults to get involve!! arghh..


i don't even exist in this world!! is that right?? you don't even notice me!! so how long it will take for you to notice me?? I can't blame you!! i'm the one that's wrong!! God..i just want to bury myself!! I want to change!!


i'm tired of all this life, i just want to the time to stop or rewind, i'm not ready to face the real world....


bla bla bla..my days..have been soo boringg lol

i was gonna talk about a lot of stuff but den i cant be bothered!! i was gonna change d layout..butta it's too fast..


i have to go..


saturday night.......

yep, last night i went to the indonesian bazaar * well, it actually for udergraduate students n stuf*. we went to curtin uni to took some pictures...and here it is...

oohh...my dream uni..

i took my own shadow on the way to the car..lol

a lot of food there peeps. i ate satay a lot..*yumm* XD. siti came there 30 mins after i came. we just walking around..gosh..most of them are students....anyway, there were lot of bands BUT i dunno what they were singing...i can't even hear them. the drum sound is the loudest. the only songs that i heard are; have a nice day- bon jovi and karma- coklat.

the first band that performed, and the loudest one! can't hear them!

we were daring each other to unplugged that thing, but no one has a gut to do it!

lyke them...eventhough i have no idea what song they were playing, they were playing this indonesian song, but i dunn what's the title.

well, i went home around 9 cuz i'm so sleepy and my eyes were red. there's this guys that acting lyke gay huehuee :) they were so funny!! they were dancing with singlet and boxers..huehuee


go thornlie

i went for swimming lesson todae, it was fun though. when we were going to the swimming pool, the door was closed and it seemed locked. but when husna tryed to open it..i opened and we saw this guy that only wore short, well i think he just finished swimming..huehuehe..thank god i didn't stand right in front of the door, i only saw a figure with short and it was wet..hueheu..i guess i dun hev to describe the detail of it...as you see..my blog is g rated!! lol

random...i was bugging siti on msn..huehue

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then the chat was go on..and until now she didn't reply

after swimming we got basketball game thingy thornlie vs kewdale and ..yihhaa thornlie won...though i didn't play, i didn't bring my shoes with me i was wearing thongs!


wasn't meant to fail...

today, only 3 ppl came!! can you believe that!! 50% of the class was away..lol..it was so awkward only 3 ppl in d' class....tommorow going 4 swimming yay...my first tyme having swimming lesson!! lol...a bit nervous actually!! wooohhooo....commonwealth games just started..*so not important* aniwei, we got this weird girl in d' skool...i better not tell you about that..

was waiting for ala in msn but she didnt come out from her cave..huahuaua..lol...*WHERE ARE YOU, MAN??*

for science test thingy, i got 83% ohhh yeahhh \m/ FOR THE FIRST TIME PEOPLE!!! i was so scared when i came to skool cuz i didn't study at all...i meant to study the night b4 but i got short fever so i can't study..i threw up!! i supposed to be study in the bus, but i talked instead of studying!! me, ct n bj were lyke if we fail, we fail together and thanx god...first period, we got free time as in the teacher was away..so i got time to study and i managed to study during recess also....yiiihhaa..me n bj passed d' test!! alhammdulillah...

somehow, i remembered alex lloyd song- wasn't meant to fail...

Nidaaaaaa......you put "i still" in my head!!

i didn't do any of my reaserch assignments...*stupid*

"mankind has been responsible to change the natural environment to satisfy their needs and wants".
THAT IS SO ME!! lol...nah, that was d' topic for my assignment!!

i'm having this kinda syndrome that tell me to staring in front of the computer and being unsocialised person...huehuehuehe...lol

*are you a smoker?
i'm such a lazy, i got science project that due tommorow but i haven't done anything except the cover page!! lol..i'm gonna hand it in on friday!! ohhh..man i got swimming lesson on friday, i hev to go to kewdale!! nd im alergic to it!! TT hate it!! they said the changing rooms don't have doors!! ohh sick!! how am i going to change people?? i got sose hw to do...nd i forgot all about it!! look what am i doing right now?? sitting in front of computer as if i finish all my homeworks!!

since the weather getting cooler we have to do stupid fitness thingy!! it was funny though, i got to laugh at teachers! i laughed my head off...so laud...but who cares though, they really were funny!! i'm so evil aren't i?? NOT..lol

aniwei, i better go before it get late..


there's nothing to talk about ppl

havent take shower yet. lol

better go. i'm stink


we did a model of an island, nd we called the island of dreams...hwhhwhahhwha XD. aniwei, i did it with yr8 n yr9 so it's kinda fun! we made a hotel which is really close to the bridge and a beach which is really close to the forest! nd an airport that placed behind the hotel!! the best part of the island is the beach...then we hev to invite yr 7 boy cuz none of us know hoe to make an aeroplane... booooo... today was so much fun...my hand was so dirty cuz of paint, glue n all those dry things!! we hev to picked all tose dry picks on the ground and dry leaves for the model..it was alright though..

aniwei..new layyie..MATTAFIX!! arent they just so great?? lol

*i dunno your face was different .lol. may be that wasn't you!!*



got another science test today, i didn't study cuz Sr. Flora told us we dun have to study. she said the test gonna be general knowledge questions..but when we did it...i almost guess the whole thing.. most of them about family, genus (is that how you spell it?), bla..bla.bla...i've studied those kinda thing when i was in indo...but i never listened to my teacher...!! and some questions were asking about the scale nd stuff...ooh gawd, my mark?? i saw it!! i think i got 8/21 huahuhuauaaua X( i'm dumb hey!! next week we gonna have mid term test nd i'm going to study HARD!! *as if* but i think i lost my science text book *hope not* i searched everywhere!! at skool nd home, i couldn't find it..but i think it still in the lab *hope so*, next test, i'm not gonna let anyone get higher marks than me!! mampuss..

spt biasa org itu nanya saya wkt test tadi, tp untg aja bbrp jawaban yg saia ksh tau salah!! rasain lo!!! tapi ada juga yg bener X( dia dpt nilai lbh tggi dari saia!! g tau knp stiap di nnya slalu saia ksh tau!! tp kdg2 saia srh dia jawab sendiri..males saia...

saia g maw posisi saia d kls di ambil dy..tp kyak nya nilai dy lbh tinggi dr saia X( kcuali di maths.. itu gr" saia g pernah mw bljr...slalu ol...

tp itu juga g fair klo nilaii" yg dia dpt hasil nanya sm kita" masa pljrn bhs.ing dia nanya ma saia..wong situ yg tinggal di sini lbh lama dari saia..ko nnya saia??

dia slalu nyari kelemahan saia....

klo saia buat salah pasti di besar"in

klo kita punya argument dia slalu pengen menang, lgsg kyak marah" gitu, emosian, BUT masih aja dia kalah!!

overall, dia tmn yg baek juga..itu cuman negative side dari dia....i have to cope with that. but, that's ok!! different characteristics, make you become wiser!! lol




paan seh?

tujuan ke sklh cuman satu!!! yaitu BELAJAR, nyari ilmu!! tapi skrg saia udh fed up!! klo stiap kali k' sklh nyiksa diri!! jadi, ngapain ke sklh?? pa lagi byk yg carmuk!!tmbh boriiiing..ooo what a heck???


*bad mood mode off*

i lost my usb lid 3 times in a row!! thank god i found it again o_x hvn't finish my religion assignment which is due tommorow! well, at least i've started it! blablabla..i can't go swimming on friday, man...time goes so fast!! it's nearly friday!! cihuyyy...last monday was public holiday!! yaiks....i missed arabic!! huahahuaauhau *evil laugh!!* .... What a beauty!! the electricity in the skool is so slow, sumtymes it turn off by it self..ckckck....they need to repair it!! ooohhh... what a misery!! we got assignment on drama to do, another assignment from sose which is coming up!! and exams!! *enjoyfida, enjoyfida, enjoyfida!*

kepengen ikut students exchange...tapi dah lewat gr" umur saia wkt itu blm 15 thn....klo ikut stdnts xchange harus jadi citizen dulu g yah?? watever...

don't you know that placenta from mothers tummy where we used to sleep in *b4 we born*! some people eat it!! gross...they make it into pills and stuff!! it can makes you young and pretty!! huhuehaua..i just found it out today!! you know me!! always faaarrr behind!! iurvescience... it's great..you'll find amazing thiiing....

what course should i pick in yr 11?? what kinda job should i pick?? doctor?? *toolong* teacher? *please!!* accountant?? *toolazytocount*


i wish i was a pre-primary kid!!


i'm so...urmm i don't know! but it kinda nervous, scared?? it mixed!! oia..worry!! it cuz of my assignment it deadline is tomorrow and i just finished it now. and i think it crap ahh..nvm. we meant to make 10 questions and answer it by doing some research then we have to write a not of half page each question! the problem is, my note is not even reach half of page!! tania just sms me, she told me that she wrote 5 pgs and still not finish!! argghh..i know that's my fault, i got weeks to do it and i only did it one day before it due and it's long weekend!! i can just finish it butta i spend my time doing layout and some other stuff instead!! oohh..i REGRET i thought i can finish it in one day but..nah.. i havent finish my english and science homework!! and we got debate and english test tomorrow and i haven't prepare for it yet..ohh i'm dead -.-

don't you think it's stupid crying because of the story of a novel?? *sorry siti!! well, may be if you are a book worm or novels lover you disagree with me!! but, c'mon!! it's only a novel and it just a story and it might be true!! yea, i have to admit it that the story that i read, stuck in my head for 3 days and that's the longest effect that i've experienced!! i read the outsiders..and it sooo touched!!! huehauehua..yesterday siti sms me:

siti: Fida i'm crying like hell now!! i'm so sad!!

i thought there's something going on about her!! and i replied, it was so late...it was like hours after she sms me..

Me: Wassup?? sori juz replied! tell me?
siti: Da story, it so sad!!

and i was like WATTT??!! oh God, it only a novel!!! arrgghh


changed the layout again peeps!! huahauhaah XD. i personally like this skin, is one of my fave. it's neater that before!! oyea, changed the tag too!! just wanna have something different!! aniwei, mm i think i'm in luv with SP song "one slowdance" huahahauahua..lalallalala..

You're standing there alone
And so am I
But I want you here
By my side
You smiled at me
Is everything this staring game
That song of love

I look you in the eyes
I try to read your thoughts
I ask you to go with me
To a far off place

I look you in the eyes
I try to read your thoughts
I asked you to go with me
To a far off place

You and me dancing the night away
You can feel my heart beating so hard
We look eye to eye
But I'm swept away

On a moonlit walk on the beach
Watching the sunrise for the first time
I'm in a trance for that one slow dance

have you heard stupid girls-pink and pump it- BEP?? they're funny!!aniwei..i'm gonna keep singing..lallala* lol.


we had free time for half a day, i got flu so can't go swimming. we did science test as usual!! aniwei the main thing is that we made a "continuous" poem *i should say* cuz we said anything that pop up in our mind. i dunno who started it first but yea, this is how it goes..

revenge is sweet
as sweet as paddlepop
as crispy as chips
as yummy as cake
as cold as ice cream
as stink as poo
as ugly as YOU

by: Tania, Me, Nida, Ala

huehuehe XD aren't we so artistic?? lol XD