
lost in the jungle

I'm so lost right now. Arrived at campus 8.15 and went straight to the library. I didn't attend the Introduction to Microeconomics so did nothing for the first 30 mins. Then start doing assignment up to 11. How great? there's no use of posting what I did today no one cares to read it anyway. Oh well, it's my blog. I felt less empty than yesterday. Got to laugh my head off again with my greatest friends. I miss them like hell, we only got to meet each other once a week only for 30mins. But it worths it.

Supposed to do Introduction to Accounting 1 assignment but I got lost with 'utang' and 'piutang'. Inagurasi tanggal 18 October, I don't think I'm gonna show up.



puasa puasa

H-9 Lebaran :) and everybody's coming back to Palembang. I'm so happy. Got to see my dearest friend again, and hey! we've plan everything. Hopefully it'll be fun like it used to be. Can't wait.

And mother! i need money.

1. Watch Laskar Pelangi Dhea's paying for me :D
2. Maryamah Karpov Novel, they said it'll be out after the movie. we'll see.
3. Watch Twilight
4. Scrap book
5. Bag, me and dhea planning to get the same bag :D
6. Drawing book

Well, it's all that I can list. We'll see if it gets shorter or longer. I spent too much money already and now I'm broke. Nothing to post really, campus life is fluctuating. But it's great! and please people don't let me change how I feel.
